Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Woodrose School Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI

Lord, thank you for blessing your Church with Pope Benedict XVI who, through the Year of Faith, has opened the floodgates of grace and has given the Holy Spirit an avenue to work in our souls and convert us.

In his last days as Pontiff, we pray that you give him strength (to carry out the last of his duties to the best of his abilities), courage (to handle the media and all the critics and naysayers), and peace (to live the rest of his life dedicated to prayer and reflection).

We pray for the upcoming elections, that the Holy Spirit descend upon the College of Cardinals and inspire them to vote for the next Pope, who will continue the line of St. Peter in serving and guiding the Church. 

In this time of great change, we turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Church. May she watch over her children and guide them along the right path towards the future.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. 
(Composed by Monica Fernandez, IV-C)

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