Sunday, February 23, 2014

Review Questions in Moral Theology, 3rd Term Exam

1. Explain the relationship between the 2 concepts in the following and illustrate your explanation with an example:
                a. truth and freedom
                b. law and conscience
                c. rights and duty

2. Discipline does not mean punishment, although it may involve punishment. “Discipline” comes from the same root as “disciple,” which involves training a person in the right direction. List 5 specific things that parents can do to “discipline” their children.

3. Comment on each of the following situations, evaluating each person’s attitude, actions, or decisions in light of the 4th commandment:

                a. Susan says that she should be allowed to live according to her own rules at home, since she is 18 years old.

                b. Danny doesn’t want to tell his parents that his brother has been hanging out with kids who are known to sell drugs at school because he does not want to be a squealer.

4. Dan has been selling marijuana at school. When confronted by his friend Marco, he justifies his actions by arguing that marijuana is no more addictive than alcohol. Whether or not this is true,

a. Why is Dan’s argument in defense of his actions irrelevant?
b. Why is it still immoral for Dan to use and sell marijuana?
c. What are some of the moral problems arising out of drug use and the abuse of alcohol?

5. Explain why the following statements and ideas are seriously erroneous:

                a. “For me, premarital sex is not a sin because I love my boyfriend and we are planning to get married someday.”
                b. “Masturbation is not wrong because it is normal and does not hurt anyone.”
                c. “If a person is not happy with his or her marriage, then he or she should get a divorce. It is stupid to stay with someone when you are unhappy.”

6. How would you react to the following situations, and what would you say to the people involved:

                a. You are at your senior prom with Kevin and Marisa. Kevin suggested they get a hotel room for the night and told Marissa, “Don’t worry: there are 2 double beds in the room. You can sleep in one; I will sleep in the other.”
                b. You and your boyfriend have gone to a party at a friend’s house with Gino and Anne. Upon arrival, you discover that there is a lot of alcohol making its way around the party. You overhear Gino saying to Anne, “You can drink as much as you like; you are safe with me.”

7. Linda, Claudia and Ana went to Baguio on a bus. In the station, Claudia found a wallet with P20,000 on it but there was no identification in the wallet. They decided to distribute the money among themselves. They considered this an extraordinary piece of luck, and proceeded to spend the money. Some days later, Ana told her mother about the incident, and her mother said she should not have spent the money. Ana told Linda and Claudia about what her mother said and they started to worry. Should they have spent the money? If your answer is no, then what do you think they should do now?

8. Evaluate the situation and determine whether there is a moral obligation to tell the truth.

                a. Camilla is filling out a job application. She tries to make herself more qualified by embellishing certain facts about her previous experience.
                b. Terence’s friend is a dating a girl who had an abortion 5 years earlier. Terence knows they are talking about getting married. May he tell his friend that the girl had an abortion?

                c. Jake, Patti and Rodrigo are in the parking lot after school planning a surprise birthday party for Sarah, a mutual friend. Sarah happens to walk by and asks what they were talking about.