Thursday, December 5, 2013

Review Questions in Moral Theology

Review Questions in Moral Theology

1 1.  For each of the following situations, indicate whether it describes a sin against faith, a sin against hope, a sin against charity or a sin against religion. Then identify the specific type of sin within that category.

a.      Shirley does not go to Mass or pray very much at all. When her friends asked her why, she tells them: “God is supposed to be all about love and mercy. If he really is that loving and merciful, he would not sent anyone to Hell. In fact, I will bet that hell does not really exist. Everyone ends up in Heaven.”

b.      Ethel prays to God for all the things that she wants in life – a good career, a nice home, and general success. When she does not feel that God is hearing her, she gets angry with God. She never takes time to consider all the gifts that God has given her, so she never even thinks of thanking God for anything.

c.       Although they consider themselves members of Sacred Heart Parish, Gemma and her parents do not make it to Mass every Sunday. Once or twice a month is all they seem to be able to handle. Gemma’s father says that Sunday is his only day off, and so he would rather rest, watch football games, and spend time with the family.

22.  What is the difference between wearing amulets or good luck charms and wearing devotional medals such as the Scapular or the Miraculous Medal? What is the difference between divination with the dead and prayers to the saints?

33. Evaluate the following situations and indicate whether they are oaths or vows, stating the kinds of oaths or vows they are. If they are such, are they acceptable according to the Second Commandment?

a.      Bettina tells Charlie, her younger brother: “If you touch my bike again, I swear to God I’ll slug you.”

b.      Cherry tells God: “I’ll pray the rosary everyday for a month if you help me pass my exams.”

c.       Mia tells her mom: I promise to wash the dishes just as soon as I get home from the game.”

44. Are the following oaths or vows obligatory? Explain why.

a.      Mark’s sister Carrie recently married Allen, her boyfriend of 4 years. Things appeared to have been going well until Mark accidentally discovered one day that Allen had concealed from his sister the fact that he had been previously married and is the father of a 6-year-old child. The situation is further complicated when Mark learns that Allen has not obtained a legal divorce or a declaration of nullity from the Church. This means that his sister’s marriage is invalid. When Mark confronted Allen about this information, Allen denied the charges, and a terrible argument ensued. The next morning, Allen was gone. Mark feels that his family’s honor has been destroyed by Allen’s actions, and has personally vowed to take revenge on him. Does this vow bind Mark? Why, or why not?

b.      Peter promised to give his friend Sara a ring that he won in a contest and she liked very much. Although he believed the ring to be of little value, he later discovered that it is actually worth quite a lot of money. Now he does not want to give Sarah the ring. Must he?

c.       Because he had been only an average student for the first 3 years of high school, David found it difficult to be accepted to the extremely competitive premedical program at the college he had chosen at the beginning of his senior year. His family was poor and could not afford to send him to the school, and it was not very likely that he was going to get a scholarship because of his past academic performance. But David had thought and prayed about it, and wanted to be a doctor.

He worked hard during his senior year, and had succeeded in earning straight A’s both semesters. In addition, he had gone to a local community college for one year, where he had also earned straight A’s.

The entire time that he was working on his lately-developed dream of attending medical school, he had prayed to God to help him and to grant him the favor of becoming a doctor. At one point, after careful consideration, he had even vowed that if God would help him gain admittance to medical school, he would devote his first 2 years as a doctor to serving as a missionary doctor with a lay volunteer program in a poor country in Asia or Africa.

Now that he has graduated at the top of his class from medical school, David has been offered a position at one of the most prestigious research hospitals in the US. He remembers the vow that he made, but this is a chance that he may not get again for a long time. What should he do?
a5. Catherine is a college student at St. Anne’s University. During the school year, she likes to attend the Mass that is held in the campus chapel at 8 pm on Sundays –the latest Mass in the city. After the vacation, when she moved back into her dorm on the Sunday just before classes began again, she planned to attend the 8 pm Mass. When she got to the chapel, she saw a note that there would not be a Mass that evening. The schedule change had been announced before vacation, but Catherine did not hear about it. Was she excused from attending the Sunday Mass?

66.  Formulate a response to these common objections:

a.      “I don’t want to go to Mass every Sunday because I don’t get anything out of it.”
b.      “I think that a person can pray just as well at home as in Church.”